We regularly publish new rules for the spamfilter SpamAssassin of the Apache Software Foundation Apache Software Foundation. Of course, you can also use the rules for the ISPConfig spam filter settings.
Most of our rules have a score of 5.
Our rules can be used free of charge. For this, only our channel has to be added to the SpamAssassin-Config or our script has to be installed. Please do not forget to restart SpamAssassin after installing or updating rules.
SpamAssassin uses DNS checks to detect new rules so that the script can be called every hour or at least dayly without generating a significant load.
Use the rules with Rspamd
You can use SpamAssassin rules with Rspamd by creating the file /etc/rspamd/local.d/spamassassin.conf with the following content:
ruleset = "/var/lib/spamassassin/rspamd/sa_ruleset";
base_ruleset = "/var/lib/spamassassin/rspamd/*.cf"; # Limit search size to 100 kilobytes for all regular expressions match_limit = 100k; # Those regexp atoms will not be passed through hyperscan: pcre_only = ["RULE1", "__RULE2"];
Our update-script copies the rules to the directory and updates the the rulest.
For more informations about the SpamAssassin module for Rspamd: Spamassassin module
Update the rules using cron
To use the rules and keep them up-to-date, just install a simple shell-script in /etc/cron.hourly:cd /etc/cron.hourly && wget https://sa.schaal-it.net/sa-update -O sa-update && chown root.root sa-update && chmod 755 sa-update
The script takes care of the different requirements for Amavisd and Rspamd and performs the appropriate actions if one or both content-filters are installed.
Add more rules
Just add more channels to the variable update_channels in the script.