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Managed vServer

We offer you virtual servers that are the optimal solution for demanding projects.

We guarantee that the resources of our managed vServers (CPU, memory, NVMe storage, etc.) are exclusively available to you. So you can always use the full performance of your vServer while we take care of maintenance, updates and backups of the server.

Our managed vServers are equipped with NVMe SSDs, which are up to four times faster than SSDs. All hard drives are minimally in a RAID-1 array to increase data security.

If you prefer to use the storage space exclusively for your websites, you can either additionally book a mail server or order one of our mail hosting packages.


36 month
  • 1 GBit/s Full Duplex Connection
  • 32 GB RAM
  • 50 GB NVMe-Space
  • 6 CPU-Cores
  • PHP-Versionen 5.6 - 8.3
  • Redis-Server
  • Webserver nginx
  • Custom Backups
  • 50 GB Backup-Space
  • 3 daily backups


41,5 month
  • 1 GBit/s Full Duplex Connection
  • 32 GB RAM
  • 50 GB NVMe-Space
  • 4 CPU-Cores
  • PHP-Versionen 5.6 - 8.3
  • Redis-Server
  • Webserver nginx or Apache
  • Custom Backups
  • 50 GB Backup-Space
  • 3 daily backups
  • Mailserver


73 month
  • 1 GBit/s Full Duplex Connection
  • 64 GB RAM
  • 100 GB NVMe-Space
  • 6 CPU-Cores
  • PHP-Versionen 5.6 - 8.3
  • Redis-Server
  • Webserver nginx or Apache
  • Custom Backups
  • 100 GB Backup-Space
  • 7 daily backups
  • Mailserver

All prices are excluding taxes (Germany 19% VAT)

  • RAM-Upgrade 20,00 € / month (max. 64 GB RAM)
  • NVMe-Space Upgrade 15,00 € / month (max. 100 GB)
  • additional NVMe-Space 10,00 € / month per 10 GB
  • additional Backup-Space 5,00 € / month per 500 GB
  • Upgrade 10 GBit/s Uplink 45,00 € / month
  • additional CPU-Core 2,50 € / month