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Script to install Proxmox 7.x – 8.x on a Dedicated Hetzner Server

The Proxmox-Version depends on your OS: Proxmox 7.x on Debian Bullsey and Proxmox 8.x on Debian Bookworm.

  • Install Proxmox on your server
  • Let’s Encrypt Certificate for the Proxmox-Interface
  • Option to use Thin-Pool Storage
  • Read the Server-IPs (Single-IP and Subnet) from the Hetzner-Robot
  • Write the Network-Config
  • Option to create private IPs if you use a vSwitch


You can put your Robot-Credentials in the file robot.conf.php so the script will not ask your for the Robot-Login.

If you just want to generate the network config (even for a different server), see chapter Network-Setup at the end of this page


Boot your server into the Rescue-Mode, use installimage and choose the minimal Debian Bullseye or Debian Bookworm Version.

Set the HOSTNAME to a FQDN

If you want to use Thin-Pool, use something like:

PART lvm pve all
LV   pve root / ext4 10G

Reboot the server and run the following commands to download the script:

apt -y update
apt -y install php-cli php-curl wget
cd /root
tar xfz hetzner-proxmox.tgz
cd proxmox

Install Proxmox

To install Proxmox, please read the following notes before running the script.

The directory custom contains several files that are used during the installation.

In the custom directory you will find:

  • etc/aliases
  • etc/cron.d/trim.example
  • etc/sysctl.d/pve.conf
  • root/
  • root/
  • ssh (empty)

If you want to install your ssh-key, just put your public-key into ssh/authorized_keys. The installer will copy this file to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

The files from etc/cron.d calls the responding scripts from root. If you want to use them, rename the file in etc/cron.d and root.

You can also put your own files into the custom-dir and / or change the files. For more informations see the file custom/README.txt.

To finally install proxmox, just run

php install-proxmox.php

The script shows you the detected OS and the Proxmox-Version, that will be installed:

Detected OS: Debian Bookworm
Install Proxmox-Version: 8.x

You will be asked the following questions:

Full qualified hostname (FQDN) of the server [server]:

Add the full name here (i.e. Otherwise you can not use Let’s Encrypt.

IP of the server []:

Make sure that the recognized ip is also the one from your server

Network Card [enp0s31f6]:

Usually, you don’t have to change the detected value.

Do you want to autoconfigure the network? (y,n) [y]:

Choose y to let the script generate the network-config.

Enter your credentials for the Hetzner-API
robot_url []:
robot_user []: 
robot_password []:

Enter your robot-credentials if you did not already stored them in robot.conf.php.

Enabled Thin-Pool for Proxmox? (y,n) [n]:

With y the installer will generate a Thin-Pool:

Only one LV found - using pve
Use LV Name for Proxmox Thin-Pool - 'none' to skip [data]:
SSH Port [22]:
SSH PremitRootLogin [yes]:

You you should use the defaults for a Cluster-Setup.Use Let's Encrypt for the Interface (y,n) [y]:

Choose y if you want a free ssl-cert from Let’s Encrypt for the Backend.

Email to use with Let's Encrypt and in scripts [admin@local]:

Start Proxmox Install? (y,n) [y]:

Finally run the setup.

If your server is connected to a vSwicth:

This server is connected to the vswitch with the ID 4868 [4001]
Add the vswitch to the network-config? (y,n) [y]:
Use Private IP []:
Use Private IP []: 
Netmask [24]:

Choose a private IP like for this server and set the netmask.

copy /etc/network/interfaces to /root/
writing new /etc/network/interfaces

Check the network-confg and reboot your server
Updating /etc/aliases
Adding your authorized_keys

Install finished. You can reboot the server now.


You can also use network-manual.php to generate a network-config on an existing server.

This will not overwrite your current setup.


php network-manual.php

and answer the questions. You find the generated config in /root/interfaces.generated


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Visit our issue tracker.